Thursday 28 August 2014

Multiple-Variable Graphs

Graphs are one of the easiest way of representing data. Generally we see bar graphs maximum for two independent variables, pie charts. But these will visualize the relation between two or more variables.

1.Scatter plots: These determine the relationship between two continuous variables and whether they are correlated or not.
2. Scatter plot matrix: It is that collection of  scatter plots into grid. It shows relation between pair of variables.
3.Overlay plot: It shows trends across time better than scatter plots do.
4.Side-by-Side box plot: It shows the relation between continuous variable and categorical variable.
5.Variability chart: This chart specifies multiple X variables and see the difference between means and variability across all the variables at once.
6.Graph Builder: We can change the variables and  graph at any point of time in graph builder.
7. Bubble chart: It represents its points as bubbles or circles. We can change the size and colour of the bubbles and animate them any point of time. 

- Group 5

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