Friday 15 August 2014

Team 4

Jugaad is a colloquial Hindi word that can mean an innovative fix or a simple work-around, sometimes pejoratively used for solutions that bend rules, or a resource that can be used as such, or a person who can solve a complicated issue.
Jugaad is an Indian phrase used to describe the kind of ingenuity that enables Indians to manage the large and small challenges of everyday life. The essence of Jugaad is to improvise, and to quickly and cheaply cobble a solution together from the materials you have at hand.
The Chotokool refrigerator the development of Chotokool, a very cheap and compact refrigerator designed for families and small retailers in the country, Godrej’s designers went to visit potential customers in villages many times to understand their needs. Later in the development process, the designers returned with prototypes and collected more responses and ideas from end users. In total, the team spent 50 days with users in villages.
The result – called Chotokool – was a refrigerator with a 43liter volume. Cooling is done using so-called “Peltier” technology. It draws only between 40 and 60 watts.Chotokool can operate from batteries or solar cells. The box is made of plastic and the entire unit is assembled from a total of 20 parts. The Chotokool is opened from above, so the cold air stays down in the box. The price is Rs. 3,400 – approx. US$ 65.
This is the book that explains the importance of jugaad:
Some images :

An analogy is a comparison in which an idea or a thing is compared to another thing that is quite different from it. It aims at explaining that idea or thing by comparing it to something that is familiar. Metaphors and similes are tools used to draw an analogy. Therefore, analogy is more extensive and elaborate than either a simile or a metaphor. Consider the following example:
“Structure of an atom is like a solar system. Nucleus is the sun and electrons are the planets revolving around their sun.”
Here an atomic structure is compared to a solar system by using “like”. Therefore, it is a simile.
Metaphor :
A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes a subject by asserting that it is, on some point of comparison, the same as another otherwise unrelated object. It is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things without using either "like" or "as". It is not to be mistaken with a simile which does use "like" or "as" in comparisons. Metaphor is a type of analogy and is closely related to other rhetorical figures of speech that achieve their effects via association, comparison or resemblance includingallegory, hyperbole, and simile..

Levels of measurement:
Nominal The essential point about nominal scales is that they do not imply any ordering among the responses. For example, when classifying people according to their favorite color, there is no sense in which green is placed "ahead of" blue. Responses are merely categorized. Nominal scales embody the lowest level of measurement
Examples of Nominal Scales
Ordinal refers to quantities that have a natural ordering. The ranking of favorite sports, the order of people's place in a line, the order of runners finishing a race or more often the choice on a rating scale from 1 to 5.
Example of Ordinal Scales
Interval data is like ordinal except we can say the intervals between each value are equally split. The most common example is temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. The difference between 29 and 30 degrees is the same magnitude as the difference between 78 and 79 (although I know I prefer the latter). With attitudinal scales and the Likert questions you usually see on a survey, these are rarely interval, although many points on the scale likely are of equal intervals.
example of interval scale
Ratio data is interval data with a natural zero point. For example, time is ratio since 0 time is meaningful. Degrees Kelvin has a 0 point (absolute 0) and the steps in both these scales have the same degree of magnitude.
Example of Ratio Scales
This Device Provides Two Examples of Ratio Scales (height and weight)

frequency distribution.
median and percentiles.
add or subtract.
mean, standard deviation, standard error of the mean.
ratio, or coefficient of variation.

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